benefits of celery juice

Drinking about 16oz of celery juice every day will make your liver work properly, and of course, affect the entire health of your body. The high number of vitamins, irons, and other healthy elements that the celery juice contains, makes it a wonderful natural tonic for your liver.

Celery has also the Alkalizing and Hydrating Properties that reduce fat build-up in the liver bringing it back to its natural functioning. A study from the University of Colorado discovered that celery contains a natural antioxidant called Pyrroloquinolinequinone (PQQ), which can protect your body against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. So whether you have liver problems or not, it won’t hurt to get some extra protection with a bit of celery juice.


benefits of celery juice

Cancer is the word everybody’s scared to hear, but how can you protect your body from this frightening disease? Well! celery juice can come in handy here too, it’s all thanks to one of its amazing components at the genic, this little champion has been proven to fight cancer at every stage of its progression take angiogenesis or the growth of new blood vessels that fosters tumors apigenin, basically inhibits this process taking back all the blood oxygen and nutrients that cancer desperately needs to progress.

a study published in the journal carcinogenesis showed that apigenin also stands in the way of cancer invading healthy tissues and breaking them down. Another study from the Journal of cancer protection confirmed celery as anti-cancer properties once again stating that its flavonoids can suppress the progression of prostate cancer, and slow down the proliferation of cancer cells which make it one more reason to make celery juice a part of your diet.


benefits of celery juice

Your bones will become stronger most of us don’t pay attention to the health of our bones at all which can lead to numerous unpleasant consequences. so if you want to make sure they’re getting all the crucial vitamins, celery juice is exactly what you need.

It’s packed with essential nutrients that your bones will certainly enjoy, including calcium, and silicon which regenerate and strengthen damaged bones, and vitamin K which contributes to bone metabolism in protects against osteoporosis. so yeah one glass of fresh celery juice can effortlessly take care of your skeletal system.


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Sarah clinsmen
I'm Sarah. I'm an Author, Blogger, Editor at Superfashion.us. I love to share my expertise here with Superfashion.us audience. I'm a specialist in cooking or at least that's what I'm doing here at superfashion.us, and if you have any question or concern, please contact me here: @Homecarestuff


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