Garmin Epix Pro vs Fenix 7 Pro

Garmin Epix Pro vs Fenix 7 Pro

Watch Face Preferences on the Epix Pro and Fenix 7 Pro:

Now, the following section is purely based on my personal experience. However, I have noticed a preference for different watch faces on the Epix Pro compared to the Fenix 7 Pro. Let me show you my preferred watch face on the Epix Pro, as it gives it a more traditional watch appearance.

On the other hand, the equivalent or similar face on the Fenix 7 Pro doesn’t seem to work as effectively. Interestingly, I tend to favor the more modern and sporty watch faces on the Fenix 7 Pro.

I’m not entirely certain why, but I believe these faces complement its display better. However, I am a bit disappointed that the particular watch face I love, which comes as the default option on the Fenix 7 Pro, is not available on the Epix Pro.

Display Settings: Brightness and Timeout Differences:

Another point I’d like to mention is that these two watches allow for slightly different display settings. The Epix Pro offers three brightness levels during the day and four at night, including an extra-low brightness level specifically for nighttime use.

Conversely, the Fenix 7 Pro provides a broader range of choices with 11 different brightness levels, and it has a lower overall brightness level than the Epix Pro if that’s your preference.

Additionally, the display timeouts also differ. The Epix Pro offers options of 4, 8, or 15 seconds, while the Fenix 7 Pro includes 4, 8, 15, 30 seconds, a minute, and even an unlimited timeout mode.

The Preferred Choice: Epix Pro or Fenix 7 Pro?:

Now, you may be curious about my personal preference. In my original review comparing the Fenix 7 and the Epix Gen 2, I had concluded that the Fenix 7x was my preferred choice.

However, that decision was solely based on the flashlight feature, which was exclusive to the Fenix 7x at that time. Now that all Fenix 7 Pros and Epix Pros come with the flashlight, it no longer impacts my decision. So, which one do I prefer now? Well, for me, it’s the Epix Pro.

Display Performance:

Although the Memory Pixel display on the Fenix 7 Pro is undoubtedly more readable outdoors, I don’t have significant issues with the Epix Pro either. It may be slightly harder to see at certain angles, but it still performs excellently.

However, I must admit that the AMOLED display on the Epix Pro is better for using maps outdoors, and since I frequently rely on maps, it offers more detail and context with its additional colors.

For indoor use during the day or evening, it’s a bit of a toss-up for me. When it comes to sleep, though, I do prefer the Memory Pixel display due to its lack of emitted light. Nevertheless, overall, I have become more inclined toward AMOLED displays, which is somewhat challenging to admit because I have used Garmin watches with Memory Pixel displays like the Fenix 3 and 4Runners for the past decade.

It almost feels like I’m betraying them by using an AMOLED display. However, I believe we are reaching a point where it’s not sacrilegious for a true sports watch to have an AMOLED display because they have become nearly as readable as traditional watch faces, particularly with the Epix Pro.

Battery Life: Comparing Epix Pro and Fenix 7 Pro:

Lastly, let’s briefly discuss the battery life of the Epix Pro vs Fenix 7 Pro. Battery life is not a major concern for me on a day-to-day basis since I rarely encounter any issues with a single charge. However, my primary concern is ensuring the watch lasts through a 100-mile trail race.

Here’s the bottom line: both watches have excellent battery life. With the Fenix 7 Pro, I can easily get a full day of GPS tracking and notifications, sometimes even more. It’s worth noting that I usually keep GPS on all the time and have notifications enabled from my phone and other connected devices.

Although I don’t receive many phone calls, I make sure to turn off other features when they’re not in use. For example, I turn off GPS when it’s unnecessary, and if I’m not wearing a chest strap, I disable the optical heart rate monitor. In the evenings, I also tend to turn off the optical heart rate monitor and GPS.

With these practices, I typically have around 8-10% battery life remaining at the end of a 100-mile trail race. On the other hand, the Epix Pro provides a similar result. I can easily get a full day of GPS tracking and notifications with it as well.

Although GPS tracking is always on and notifications are enabled from various devices, the Epix Pro utilizes different display optimizations to achieve a comparable outcome. However, one notable difference is that the Epix Pro charges much faster. It only takes an hour to reach 100% battery, and just 30 minutes of running can bring it up to 75-80%.


That covers the comparison between the displays of the Fenix 7 Pro and the Epix Pro. Both displays are fantastic, but they have different optimizations and strengths depending on your use case.

Both the Garmin Epix Pro and the Fenix 7 Pro are outstanding sports watches. Each model offers unique features and display technologies, leading to different advantages and trade-offs. Check out the latest price of the Garmin Epix Pro Here, or Garmin Fenix 7 Pro Here.


To delve deeper into the features and capabilities of these models, please refer to our in-depth reviews below!



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About the author: Edouard Balik is a Tech writer at website. He creates Tech related articles using natural creativity and language tools, Market realities. Edouard loves discussing smartphones and smartwatches Tech and specs using his expertise in the field and reading their news.