How To Know What Size Instant Pot To Buy



How To Know What Size Instant Pot To Buy and what models?

The lux model is the cheapest one, and it’s the most basic one. So, if you’re just thinking about doing the basics of instant pot recipes simple easy basics, then the lux is perfect for you. It usually averages around $79 for 6 or 8 quarts and $99 for 8 quarts on Amazon, but on sometimes you can get those a lot cheaper, I’ve seen them go all the way down to $59.

There are some things about Lux pots that are different than the Duo: the first one is there’s a little button on the duo that’s not on the Lux, so if you got the Lux and you’re seeing all those little buttons and you’re so concerned you got the wrong instant pot or you’re missing a piece, you’re not.

The Lux doesn’t have that little silver button to show you if it’s pressurized or not. That’s just how it was made, and nothing is missing. if you’re missing that piece. The Lux does have a manual button, which is the same as the pressure cook button on the other instant pots.

Now what’s a Lux, it’s a six in one. So, there’s a lot of different buttons that you can push. I personally like the manual button; because I’m looking for high pressure the majority of the time. And the one bad thing about the Lux is there is no yogurt button. that is one of the biggest differences between the Lux and the duo, so if you really want to make your own yogurt go for the Duo. If you really don’t want to, stay stick with the Lux. It’s simple, basic and it pretty much can cook anything. Get it Here…

The second instant pot is the Duo: There are a few different kinds of Duo’s I have the seven in one Duo; so that means, it has the seven different buttons you can push. If you like to purchase your yogurt, then the yogurt button on the Duo will not make that big difference for you.

The differences are this one has a pressure cook button instead of a manual button, and the Duo also has a lid holder, which is pretty great if you want to put your lid on the instant pot. The other difference with the Duo compared to the lux, is the insert. The insert has some little handles compared to the lux. I personally like the Duo inserts better.

You can get the LUX HERE… Or the DUO HERE…

Sarah clinsmen
I'm Sarah. I'm an Author, Blogger, Editor at I love to share my expertise here with audience. I'm a specialist in cooking or at least that's what I'm doing here at, and if you have any question or concern, please contact me here: @Homecarestuff


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