Southern Smothered cube Steak and mushrooms are a traditional Southern favorite! Smothered cube Steak and mushrooms are one-half steaks and one-half mushrooms. The steaks are seared to perfection and then topped with creamy mushroom and onion gravy. Here’s everything you’ll need to put those two together into a delicious smothered steak:



  • 2-3 Cube Steaks
  • 3 Cups Sliced Mushrooms
  • 1 Small Onion, halved and sliced (1/2 a Large)
  • Kosher Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Texas Cajun Seasoning
  • Flour
  • 2 cups Chicken Stock
  • 1/4 tsp Thyme
  • Vegetable Oil

Smothered cube Steak


1 ) Prep Veggies. Put your cube steaks on a plate and season both sides with salt, pepper, and a big pinch of Texas Cajun Seasoning. Put 2 big spoonfuls of flour on top of the steak and rub in, flip and repeat.

2 ) Pour enough oil into your skillet cover the cooking surface with oil, about 1/3-1/2 cup. Heat oil on medium-high. When the oil is nice and hot, test with a pinch of the flour for the steak plate to see if it bubbles & sizzles.

3 ) If it does then add your steaks to the pan. Cook at medium-high for about 3 minutes on each side. Remove steak to a clean plate. Remove Pot from the burner, discard all oil except about 2 tablespoons.

4 ) Return to heat, add mushrooms and onions and stir to get any brown bits from the bottom of the pot. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook until mushroom and onions start to turn golden, make sure nothing burns.

5 ) Add just shy of 2 tablespoons of flour and stir until veggies are coated. Add Chicken stock and stir well. Cook on medium-high, until it has thickened and the return steaks and flip around in the gravy. Serve with Texas Mashed Potatoes, and steamed carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Sarah clinsmen
I'm Sarah. I'm an Author, Blogger, Editor at I love to share my expertise here with audience. I'm a specialist in cooking or at least that's what I'm doing here at, and if you have any question or concern, please contact me here: @Homecarestuff


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