What Is Mobile Device Management Software?


The use of mobile devices has skyrocketed in the last few years. and the trend is growing according to IDC, the smartphone market is already larger than the PC market. not selling PCs since late 2010 the bottom line mobile devices are here to stay. So, what is mdm?

What is mobile device management software:

mobile device management software

Mobile Device Management takes many forms, with a broad array of solutions available to address deployments ranging from a handful to thousands of devices. Some solutions focus on protecting digital assets (such as contacts, email and documents), ensuring that data in the field is safe and only accessed by authorized users.

Others concentrate on controlling access to corporate resources, ensuring that only approved devices are able to connect to the business’ network and servers. Large deployments often involve installing custom apps for use within the enterprise, or ensuring a standard suite of apps is installed and up to date. Most MDM solutions involve some combination of the above examples, each one a unique solution for that business need.

The MDM controls allow the five main areas of mobile device management in one complete lifecycle solution, enrollment – configuration – collection – security and service.

enrollment MDM only works if the end-user is enrolled with an MDM solution, usually the company that offers this service can rapidly register new or existing devices by OTA (over the air) using flexible enrollment options. they can also use automated QR codes, which enable point-and-click enrollment instantly.

Or provide web portal links through email, and utilize text messaging to directly enroll those SMS notifications configuration. this flexible configuration options, allow these companies to instantly set up common configurations across all your mobile devices for instance.

it’s easy to configure your employees, Microsoft Exchange, or personal email settings. plus we can set up Wi-Fi access and VPN client connection settings ensuring your employee and company own devices are properly configured collection.

Gathering information about enrolled mobile devices, ensures compliance as well as aiding in determining performance issues. using the MDM solution you’ll be provided with detailed device type info for smartphones, or tablets hardware inventory. such as memory, and hard drive space as well as a listing of installed apps.

Some MDM demystifies mobile technology security, by allowing the service company to intuitively provision and enforce security policies. they can define passcode and complexity requirements, to find auto lock settings and apply system restrictions and other access settings such as restricting the use of the device’s camera in HIPAA or restricted environments service.

the core feature of any mobile device management software system, is to administer devices and support users. The MDM service simplifies the process, by enabling to centrally manage all mobile devices across all your company sites. and remotely reset pass codes, lock devices or wipe devices, create dynamic mobile device groups with automatic service.

And here we have 7 Best Mobile Device Management Software.

  1. Intune
  2. IBM MaaS360
  3. Cisco Meraki
  4. VMware AirWatch
  5. SAPMobile Secure
  6. Trend Micro Mobile Security
  7. XenMobile

Of course Our recommended software is Intune, but all this can do well for you.

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Daven Klarsen
Daven Klarsen is a technology writer and researcher. He's also an avid sports fan, especially when it comes to the LAL. When not working, you can usually find him tweaking his Android devices or watching soccer news.


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